Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Find a Business Idea To create your business

Often you are tired, people work for someone else. You have a sense of adventure, challenge and want to break the pace of life a bit monotonous, and contribute to their lives and those of their families and for society as a whole. Whatever the reason, you have a burning desire to build your business. But you know what business you create?

When you cross the desert to reach an oasis of shade and fertile vegetation water on the other choose is what will or not? You will no specific route or a plan that will lead to the details on the next steps and the pitfalls to avoid?

We are in the following seven steps you through the process to follow to create your own business and be your own boss to lead.

Create your company Step 1: Find the IDEA

This step is the starting point for their business project. As La Fontaine said:, "nothing works, you have to start now." Based on their passions and talents and my abilities, you now try to repair the idea of ​​your company define the property and see what you will do as a company to start your business,

In general, there are two different ways that you can take: either follow a business idea "classic" and showed that already exists, or find an innovative idea.

Follow a conventional business idea

Follow passionates idea of ​​a field I love you, you cheer, and where you have a much better chance to develop their skills. It is a dream come true for you, that you enjoy, while money will earn.

Despite all the obstacles that you find there, luckily for you, help many training professionals, to improve those passions and skills that you may have, you can minimize these obstacles and run through the steps to create the idea of ​​your company .

Search and find your idea that competition

Search and find a sense of passion that even one of their skills (and vice versa)

Find an innovative business idea

A. Tourism is one of the easiest and most effective to find an innovative business idea. Many products and services are popular in other countries, but unknown or poorly developed in France. To find all of the countries visited and found to be innovative ideas for business, the first certainly the United States and Canada, often 4-5 years in advance. And, business ideas or even new and renovated again.

This also applies to Internet companies and the number of online business grows and becomes more successful.

The advantage of this online business is easy, and it's almost possible to study and to leave a good and lucrative business idea without the house.

Second To listen because there are always around us to use a lot of ideas, they are so simple lucrative enough for a fortune. In order to try to find one of these ideas, stay tuned. Listen to all the sentences with words such as: not terrible ... it sucks ... bothers me ... Not a big ... would be nice if ... etc ...

Try to see what. Behind these objections, and you are sure to find a good business idea "Beneath the Ashes, there's always a fire ..!"

Every time someone says these words when you refer to a product or a service, usually a lack of it. With a product or service free of this deficiency can bring happiness.

Tip: Enter your ideas in a notebook as they arrive. Remember the days when you had an idea ... to examine its effectiveness and, if possible, to get to the next step.

Until we reach a business idea, and in the following article we will look at the second stage, the "market research" to continue to provide market leading and measure the range of customers who buy their products is to explore.

To your success and good reading.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Education must be reversed

Through the school system (in California, Washington and Guam) has never been what I preferred as a child, but as a parent, I've learned to realize that the entire system is defined over it.

No system of government or a particular country, but the education system itself.

Traditionally, the school uses this model:
1 Decide to know what children in order to prepare for adulthood.
2 Prepare a curriculum based on that.
3 Enter the students in this program curriculum.
4 teachers have raised their demand information they need, and implementation expertise.
5 The student reads, stores the information, learn skills, and ready.
6 Students must follow all the rules or be punished. It's really important that information and knowledge. Even if it never tells them

Unfortunately, this is not a good model. Mainly because it. On the idea that there is a small group of people, the Authority has its headquarters, which will tell you what to do and what you need, and you must follow obediently, like robots And you do not have to think for themselves, or are trying to do what I do. This would be severely punished.

This is ideal if you want to be a seller and you need some skills to mainly work in this society ─ obedience skills, actually. But it is not ideal for the job market of the decade happens while people are employed less and less of a big company, and work on your own. And find out for themselves what they want to do. And learn new things by themselves, without a teacher, things are changing faster than ever before. Each month presents a technology that will change the way they work, or work in the future, and we need to learn and be able to. To the ever-changing landscape

How can we do that, or how our children learn that they can?, If they do not have the authority to tell them what they know, or learn, how, or what to do

Too often qualified trainees and will do great things after. By the school system But the system is in spite of, not because of it. We are always curious people very adaptable and can learn without authority, but the current school system is trying to put the bad. It fails because at some level, but if it succeeds, it weakens the people.

The school does not fail because it provides knowledge or skills, but because curiosity kills the joy of learning suffocated, with a brutality furious punches our desire to be independent, to think for ourselves, to learn things that interest us in reality .

"I suppose it is because nearly all children go to school today, and everything is ready for them, they look so sad unable to produce their own ideas." - Agatha Christie

However, teachers are excellent

Yes, I agree, they are. My wife was a teacher in the primary school English teacher and worked tirelessly for the heart with the interests of their students. She really wanted to teach the love of reading, and trying to do so. Unfortunately, she was frustrated by the authoritarian nature of the school board, and left. Now teach our children at home and try to give them the freedom to learn for themselves.

My grandmother was a teacher for decades. My aunt is a teacher, and she started elementary school, and now teaches children in a juvenile detention center, and she is very good instilling a love of reading. I love the teachers, and I have great respect for them.

I think we are in a system that does not work. Those who can not work, given the nature of the world as it evolves.

How can our children for a future that we expect? How can we know what skills they need, what skills are important in 10 years or 15? We have no idea what the world will look like. I know nothing. Have you? Is there a single person who knows how people work in 15 years?

I think it is impossible. And more, it's always been impossible. The labor market is now completely different from what it was when I was a kid in shorts, has three decades and found the whole schoolyard, wiped snot nose that j 'and all had to learn about the Cold War. So people do not have computers at work, at least most of them, and those who had computers were nothing we have today. Most people use electric typewriters and fax machines were not in the office. Faxes ...

So yes, I love teaching, and I think they are amazing what they do. I think you should do, but need not be a teacher but mediators.

No direct learning because when students grow, not directed in their learning, are self-taught. Remember: if you learn things today, as an adult, you learn with a teacher, or learn things for yourself? And is learning itself is not funny? Would not you like to learn new things? Do not make learning more durable than they? Storing things in school

What we learn in school is almost as important as the way we learn, because to learn the way, is the teaching of the school.

"Decided in their wisdom, the Founding Fathers, that children create an unnecessary burden on the parents' schools as prisons and torture called education are .." - John Updike

How to learn

And told us, as a recipient of information, not learn thinkers. Follow the rules. Read pages 100-132. To do the exercises. Save the information. Salts in a single test. Doing this project, because we say so, because it is fun and interesting.

To learn the ways is to learn, various supplements. It is this: learn what you want, captures what your eye, what fascinates you. To find out where to get the information they need. Read, talk to someone, find things about him. Try it. Did they make mistakes. Find out how to correct the error. Figuring out how to solve problems that arise. And repeat.

In other words, you will find the topics that interest you, and find ways to solve them.

Sometimes you have to identify problems that are not so interesting, just to solve the problems that really interest you solve. All right. That's how things work.

And here's a secret: we know how. From birth. This method of learning is innate in all of us. This is us.

If a child to do something, like reaching the top of the refrigerator, the chocolate share has hidden wants to find a way. He will find a way to move a chair against the fridge, or download a shelf next to the fridge to get the candy. Along the way he learns things about 2-3 cupboard doors, refrigerator doors, and why you do not have to on the one hand in a chair leaning, if you do not want to fall, and blues.

If a child wants to play a game, you are things like the installation and activation of a PS3, how to navigate the menus, how to learn the game to convince his mother that he rangera his room later and nearly finished begin his task so you can now play.

Children know how to solve problems when they want to do something.

No need to learn. We just need to clear the way.

And that's the problem with the schools. You can motivate children to learn, because to break them. They try to integrate rebel into a rigid system of authority, against the children of course. In fact, this is the main problem and children eventually find all kinds of creative ways to truancy tackle and fireworks with amazing doodles around the edges of your laptop instead of listening throughout history, or ingenious ways by using other technologies to communicate, such as text- messaging or iPhones or old technologies and other passages of notes.

Creativity is not dead in our children. She is alive, but come together to fight the forces that seek to destroy them.

"No reason to cry if they care situations, the materials, the problems of the child is not interested, move your attention on what's really important, and no amount of preaching or threats to come.". - John Holt

A backward education

How can our children for the future? People have written much better than I do about it. View articles and topics not on education, I highly recommend it.

To a large extent this is to break easily. Let them know what they want to learn, and you know what? In fact, would be interested in what they are learning because they have chosen. You have a passion for things that come to school not as a rule.

You will learn how to treat the problem of freedom delicious, a problem that most children do not have today. You have experience of autonomy to roll and where to get your hands dirty, something they have in abundance as adults.

But what if you are watching TV or playing video games all day? If they are not interested in math or science, and never learn? If not prepare for the job market?

These are the questions from beginners in the world of education, and I would answer them all here. They have more in the comments, I'm sure. I'm not the guy who answered these questions. Search in Google and read the school because many people much smarter and answer all your questions and more.

I will say two or three things. One thing we have to relax and not have to look like a child every minute of time with rigid rules and learning are required. It is a time that should enjoy, and children should play and learn while playing. You will learn to play well and work well with others. You will learn to discover things for themselves. You learn to love freedom and loved his partners, autonomy, responsibility, choice, time management and, yes, passion.

Two, remember what we talked about before, we have no idea what the job market of the future will need to be, so stop worrying about the fact that the preparation. In fact, stop worrying so much. Let the children learn to learn and learn to be passionate about things. This will prepare them for the future.

Three also recognize that it is not necessary to completely unremarkable. We can be intrusive when they are presenters, directors or dictators. We help children, the things that interest them and share them in a world of entertainment (e.g, computer science and mathematics) to find, might educational games, help them to solve problems, if you learn to do it yourself, lead them to the resources and people who give their mountains of information. Be there for her as a leader.

This is a big issue, and one that can not be adequately covered in one article. I will be working for another article on education in the family and the school, and how to get there and do it for you. But for today, I wanted to throw a few ideas for education, and maybe a little nervous. We should all think a little dose of trouble from time to time, I do.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Your Employees Working Quality

constantly working

One of the hardest aspects of being a manager or an entrepreneur trying to motivate their employees to work at their highest level of productivity. This problem can be resolved through some simple steps and field endurance. Here are five ways to improve the quality of people in your organization:
A. Start recruiting.
The right candidate at the door in the first place is the key to improving the quality of your staff. There are several ways to make this work for you as a job recruitment software, recruitment agencies or. Be sure to do your job as possible1 specific. Learn to compliment your employees on a consistent basis

It has been said that effective praise than criticism. It is easy to see what your employees are doing wrong, you take the time to realize what they are doing right. This encourage their employees to give all his efforts to the task ahead.

Second Various incentives and rewards

Everyone likes to be rewarded for a job well done, and rightly so. Be sure to note it, and finished to reward employees who go beyond to ensure a project is properly and accurately. Remember, a cash prize every week or every month to give the workers more than meets the expectations.

Third Be flexible in order to give free time

Note that your employees have a life outside of work. As flexible as possible with your schedule and allow plenty of free time. Your employees have health needs, emergencies and vacations, they need time. Do your best to work with them when they occur. An employee is a worker rested a lot more efficient than tired.

4th Promotion within your company, if possible

Promotion of your company provides employees with an incentive to work hard at your job, knowing that you have the opportunity to be able to salary and benefits. Nobody wants to be stuck in a dead end job with no hope of promotion. Jobs are rarely unemployed long-term employees.

5th Make sure that your employees know exactly what is expected of them

There is no better way to frustrate your staff in the delegation and their projects and tasks are disorganized. Constantly working in all areas of your work are organized. This is an environment for efficient and productive synergy.

Work on these topics as business owner or manager, you will improve the quality and productivity of their employees. The sky is the limit to how far can your business, if you are constantly working on these essential elements for high quality employees. Without employees, there is no such thing as a successful business. Want to learn a way to treat your employees like yourself treated if you were in their place found.