Sunday, December 30, 2012

Clinical data on stress

Stress is one of the most common problems and trends of modern life always very important for a variety of chronic health problems and the extent and serious diseases. As part of our discussion of the clinical facts on stress must recognize the importance of stress as a factor of change in the modern lifestyle of our great way of life that shape our decisions and waiver mainly on our human resources capacity in the physical plane and spirit. In a world that is also affected by the irregularities of the pace of modern life and the values ​​of the decay of the biological unit of stress is to take as disastrous to flow in all areas of our mortal existence. To prevent the scientific and clinical research efforts for the full attack against the effects of stress continues worldwide. We list here some of the most important clinical understanding of stress in relation to stress.

Clinical definition of stress

After various medical sources and stress linguistic explanation, the total reaction time is level organic mental and physical situation and forced. Understanding the definition of stress is one of the most important things. In obtaining clinical data on stress If we are challenged to any situation in life, whether physically or mentally depressed, or both at the same experience and are ready. These situations by releasing certain hormones that react as stress hormones But if the situation greater proportion of the pressurization mechanism stress symptoms after not presented in a position with a difficult environment or situation and manage the medical stress management.

Stress in the world

To enumerate the clinical facts about stress, we have developed a brief overview of the situation as stressful variance in growth and health lifestyles. Despite the tension in their effects and the devastating consequences are mainly used as decay in industrialized countries with the greatest amount of pressure and value system, stress symptoms for more than one and a half decade reached proportions dangerous in the rich industrial countries more than half of emerging and developing countries. Another important thing, to have a mind is that even if the stress is to be primarily determined by the modern way of life in industrialized societies because of the pressure of work, a number of other factors contribute to this hovers in the design the world of stress, for example, the crime situation, the growing threat of international terrorism, etc. Here. several important facts and information on the state of stress in a global perspective

According to a recent survey by the American Psychological Society, more than 50 percent of U.S. employees say they are less productive due to the stress of work during the weekdays. In a similar study by the same organization that many people in the U.S. take a crucial decision to leave the workplace or the transformation of the profession prematurely or told to retire because of the stress factors. Several studies and surveys also achieved similar stress as a major factor in the effects of denigration of their relationship, which really adds the additional restriction.

What happens in the stress?

With regard to the formation of our understanding of the clinical facts on stress the most important aspect, such as stress occurs deep in our body or in other words to say how our body reacts work stress. As already mentioned, we have stress is essentially the result of our inability to handle the situation under pressure and challenging environment with our psycho-somatic stress functions actually manifests itself with symptoms that vary primarily by hormones ineffective or inappropriate and in relation to to emphasize exploitation or production of stress hormones or other chemicals in the body impulse activity and hormones can, without actually causes the symptoms of stress are used. All of these factors in terms of the appropriate response, inappropriate or excessive stress hormones actually play a crucial role in the cause of the apparent level of physical or mental stress.

Traumatic stress or unpleasant situations in terrible conditions as manifested in extreme reactions. Opposite discussed by many experts as a response to the caves or Tiger Tiger. This kind of difficult situation triggers the fight or flight response of the body at risk. In these kinds of situations that cause anxiety or panic disorder or disease that our body releases adrenaline enough or chemicals such as norepinephrine, which expresses or run or take a terrible movement, although in most cases do not occur in physical activity in response on everything. In such situations, the chemical energy is really lead your heart beat, high blood pressure, nerve function and can more actively on many physical reactions. The point of the Joy is back, as you physically were a caveman with the introduction of chemicals battle or struggle in the body, running or for what fight are not exposed to stress, but complete modern life now, you no longer need respond and you need to think again and again and get a quiver of stress and all sorts of worries to stress.

Cortisol is mainly because of the stress hormone crucial role in the body's natural response to known stressors. In response to stressful situations worsen our body reacts to fight or flight, and as we have seen in these cases that modern people do not react to really enjoy the physical expression of psychological expressions and why stricter provide wide range of disastrous effects on our health and physiological functions. Cortisol is secreted when less, and rarely, in situations of minor pressure really beneficial to our health as it protects our organic depending on the environmental conditions or difficult situation. But when stressful situations are common in activated secrete higher proportion of cortisol activates the immune system and other functions, to be more active and thus the tension of the nerves, muscles, circulation, brain signals and weakens the immune system to fight the aliens reactive elements in the body .

Cortisol by medical experts as the increased glucose utilization in the brain and other parts of the body and can cause a deficiency in the body's natural tissue repair. When we talk about the devastating effects of stress susceptible to threaten us for all kinds of chronic diseases and also the lives of many diseases critics usually refer to speak to these long-term effects of stress hormones.

Symptoms of Stress

Knowing the symptoms of stress in your detailed demonstration on internal and external complications is one of the most important factors in obtaining clinical data on stress. Symptoms of stress are physical and psychological, in most cases of stress in their first symptoms behavior problems and signs are related to mental functions such as anxiety, stress, depression identified thought patterns of hyperactivity, abnormal thinking, confusion, obsessive mental stress, etc. both mental and physical, in its various forms that we see in detail shortly.

Level of physical stress can in symptoms such as headaches, muscle tension or pain, chest pain, fatigue or lethargy, decreased libido, insomnia or sleeplessness, high blood pressure or high blood pressure, stomach pain, nausea, etc. Depending on the level of stress can in symptoms such as anxiety, tension behavior excited behavior, lack of concentration increase, raging attitude, lack of motivation or inspiration in everything, the level of irritation, bad temper or anger, excessive aggression, grief and depression, etc..

Manifest at the behavioral level as internal physical and psychological symptoms in a number of ways, such as changes in eating habits are typical expression either overeating or eating low, anger or cholera epidemic shows in the relatively insignificant occasion, chronic irritation resulting persistence or a little obsessive behavior, social communication problem, which rose out of social isolation or social segregation, drug or alcohol use, increased use of tobacco snuff and destructive tendencies finally joining crime rackets, murder or suicide. Note that all of these signs of stress are dependent on each other through different levels and experience related to each other through the sacrifice of many others, as well as mental stress.

Various expressions of stress in real life is an area that reached the voltage corresponding to the explosion varied knowledge about clinical evidence of stress not won mentioned. In some cases there may be extremely excited and burst into anger or frustration well and in such cases it is more like a pot of boiling water and still can not sit for a minute. In stark contrast sometimes tend to end or withdraw from the situation, and depression every moment for you to pull a heavy burden on the body and mind. And there are situations where these two reactions subjected stress, while related. In such situations, not heated, and it shows a complete disregard for the withdrawal of the situation, but ultimately can not control your mind in a circle in this situation, and you remain apparent in the depth hectic Warmer his face. When stress takes control of you or in other words, if one is overwhelmed by stress reactions do not know how it manifests itself.

Stress and damage to body functions

Stress can take many forms heavy burden on their physiological functions and understanding of the health effects is important derogatory about a clear understanding of clinical events stress. Stress can actually do as medical researchers and experts from different professional fields of medicine exercise great influence on the functions of nerve dysfunction of the respiratory function of the blood flow or restore function or heart function. That is why modern humans fight against a number of chronic diseases and stress battle was very important.

Stress and the function of the nervous system:

With the fight or flight response body from the stress that is affected by all other organic functions our nervous system and the nervous system only our body reacts by the release of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, but if it is more common than most people stress installed, then the function of the nervous system begins to tire and show fatigue, irritability, clouding of thinking, depression or explosion of anger in response to even small challenges.

Stress and respiratory diseases:

Stress in most cases, people feel the beating heart and the high rate of respiration, and of course, if this situation persists often under stress then increased respiration rate again can damage the respiratory tract, lungs, or in some cases, hyperventilation or breathing problems with panic attacks connected lead.

Stress and cardiovascular problems:

Among the most important clinical facts about stress, the effect of stress on cardiac function and more importantly stress than other parts, if our organic system can do more damage to the function of the heart. When you are stressed your heart is at risk from all functions. Increasing the pumping of blood through the heart, increased heart rate and contraction of the heart muscle just once. In stress responses that make you more susceptible to a heart attack or cardiovascular problems

Stress and musculoskeletal problems:

World for joint pain or stress problems several skeletal muscle is one of the areas affected. Yes, psychological stress, although surprising, however, that physical stress can pejorative great effect on the joints and muscles, and perhaps a number of factors that. On common problems such as arthritis In the stress muscles tense and contracted often occurs with prolonged stress weakens the muscles and stress on the joints of the skeleton and leading eventually lead to serious damage or musculoskeletal diseases such as arthritis.

Stress and gastronomic problems

Stress can trigger a variety of gastronomical problems in several ways. If you are under stress, probably an increase in the levels of hunger by the action of stress hormones in the orientation of their functional roles are to experience in a short time, or it may result in a lower level of hunger because of depression or mental tension due to stress . In both cases, their function suffers from gourmet food intake is not proportional. Secondly, when you are stressed because of the extreme restlessness or contraction of the muscles and digestive system also suffers this result in poor digestion.

Stress and endocrine overactivity

The endocrine system is really responsible for the release of stress hormones, now with stress systems frequent and persistent endocrine glands eventually become tense following result produce less of the stress hormone and in the absence or lack of adequate levels of the stress hormone we suffer more susceptible to stress and more.

Stress and damage to the reproductive system:

Stress can cause enormous damage to the reproductive system of men and women in different ways. In men, the first restriction reduces body's natural response to strong sex. Chronic stress can lead to a deterioration of the hormone testosterone and sperm and can become impotence. Female reproductive system damage can be caused by a slightly different way. Chronic stress in women can deregulate the menstrual cycle and can be painful that. Significant influence on the reduction of sexual desire

Stress and immune system damage:

Without which we can not complete our description of the damage caused by stressors in clinical practice list Stress causes the immune system damage caused by stress. Often with prolonged stress or stressful situations fight or flight response of the body is to be active against the potential for stress management and the process of the immune system also tense every time he must remain vigilant, and this can cause considerable damage the operation of the immune system. A damaged immune system more stressed people can lead to an increased susceptibility to infectious diseases and bacterial infections.

To our discussion of the clinical facts about stress conclusion is that the most important thing in fighting stress can not easily be answered a normal healing process approach than many other diseases and medical conditions, but relations with the stress assume taxpayers factors in our lifestyle and the environment as a priority. Stress is one of the health problems centered lifestyle with lifestyle changes alone to treat yourself before sending it to medications or therapy.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Things that you can do now grown to a positive person magnet

We live in denial of our inherent negativity most often wonder why the world is so close to the mean and ruthless. Unlike dogs, which can not be born of the eternal optimists, but positivity is something that is built, if a little forced, as if he would be to sharpen our sense of humor, the way we react to a particular situation , beautiful and believe that others have a mind, and a smile every time someone says "Thank you." While positivity is a state of mind, the answer lies in our view. Here are 18 things you can do now to get more love and positive.

It's one thing, eloquence on the positive, but it's a different, a positive person at heart. Despite believe, have a positive attitude, always outweigh the cons first. Furthermore, we prefer unnecessary sarcasm for humor, managing a grin when something is really funny, and I firmly believe that the glass is half empty really.

18 What can we do to change your Outlook:

A. Have the desire, a positive person should have a strong desire to have to be positive. And the desire will come only when it is convinced that improving a positive person, the quality of life. Positivity is like an aura, and you know that you are a positive person, when people begin to trust you, random people to be polite to you respect your employees your attitude and begin building relationships with ease.

Second Think of all the possibilities: About what can or can not. About what is possible or impossible. Do not let your limiting beliefs you hold captive in the wrong place. Spread your wings and fly! Once you realize that anything is possible, which limits the doors that were closed with an open mind connects all aspects of consciousness.

Third Be realistic: Do not try to be a saint. You are a positive person does not mean you. Never a negative emotion or a negative situation This is the general attitude that the questions and respond to each experiment. Not bogged down by failure and disappointment when their expectations are not met. Understand that everything at your disposal. All experiences are neutral, and our perception is what our view, positive or negative.

4th Explore the accountability rather than criticism: Do without your constant need to complain and criticize these things - people, situations, events that make you unhappy, sad and depressed. No one can make you unhappy, no situation can make you feel sad or unhappy, if you let it. When you criticize yourself to pass judgment that something is missing in your life that you refuse to let go. Never underestimate the power of positive thinking. For every occasion you feel the urge to criticize, try as this particular situation that meets or think of other advantages.

5th Experience: Be a good observer. Use the incidents of daily life to see how to manage you in a positive way. These will serve as perfect examples of the conversion of their positive outlook. For starters, how can we better handle on the situation by thinking tolerant and less hostile. Come with five options that save the day, and was able to learn to take things seriously sometimes. Remember, your capacity for the other person to trust its authenticity.

6th Responsibility: Debt is a trick of the mind. Responsibility for yourself, your life and your actions. They are able to respond. You're an adult. You are able to account-meaning, with every step you take, you realize. We decided to do this, but he must accept the consequences and did everything for a reason ... to learn. If you continue to feel guilty, stop learning.

7th Language and body language: Try to make positive words a part of your everyday lingo, and the work on the body language, so you are also friendly and approachable. Look funny when something is funny, laugh when something is funny, congratulations, when credit is due, and that others tell the chance to get their side of the story. Never think you are not to know, the only interesting person over.

8th Be yourself: You are unique. Enjoy your uniqueness. Nobody in the world is like you. Trying so hard to listen to something that you can not only make others like you. Accept in their masks all the time and embrace the real you, you will find the people are won to you without effort.

9th Company: One way to be positive is the research company, both positive and positivity and negativity is contagious. If people who spend most of their time with cranky or a pessimistic view is accidentally on the same emotions other. To convey positivity is essential that your circle of friends is positive, energetic and happy group. You will find yourself wearing the same positivity wherever you go.

10th Think here and now: The past and the future got we are often in the way of emotional disorders. We often go away from the past looked much better than the present and the future looks so scary, but keep in mind that the present moment is all I have, and everything that has life is. The past is now aspire - the past is dreaming now - was ignored by you, if it exists. Make no mistake stop. Be present in all that we do, and enjoy life. After all life is a journey, not a destination. Did you prepare a clear idea of ​​the future, but to be always in the present.

11th Activities: she rests and reproduction. Take positive action with others or in isolation. Share a joke, tell a beautiful event, participating in sports, jogging in the evening after work, health, sex, and you are full of positive energy.

12th Take it easy: Daily life becomes connected to the fight. Prepared in order to minimize the impact and shrugged. For example, it can also interfere with every day while driving to work or try to park your car. If you accept the fact that some things can not change, you will be more comfortable with yourself and those around you.

13th Let your expectations: Let the expectations of themselves to limit their growth. Hold high expectations as others behave often disappointed when it does not represent the way you expect. It's just people's expectations, which the judge is ultimately a judgment itself. Too many people are living a life that is not theirs to live. They live their lives according to what others think is best for their lives after what their parents think is best for them to live, their friends, their enemies and their teachers, officials and the media is best for them . They ignore the inner voice, the inner call. We often forget what makes them happy, what they want, what they need. You have a life - this time - you have to live, clean and above all, do not let the opinions of others distract you from your path.

14th Keep a journal: Instead of counting the day's events, filter only positive from them. It could be something trivial join buses to be on time to cook, his mother a delicious breakfast you remember to pay your bills on time. If we on the positive in the little things that make life worth living, there is no room for negativity. Try practicing aware this for 10 days and at the end of the tenth day, when you read her diary only back memories of all the good things that happened to you.

15th Listen: Not only the hormones of happiness, but also creates a sense of awareness in you. You learn to control your breathing, and through it, you can control your thoughts wander. When you meditate, you feel a wave of positive energy in your body to calm the nerves, calms the mind, lifts the spirit, and not to mention improving your level of tolerance.

16th Accept the change: Change is good. Change will help you get from A to B will change will help you improve your life and the lives of the people around you. Sequence to change your luck hug - not resist.

17th Reinventing your need to be right: There are many of us who can not bear to be poor - will always be correct - even at the risk of the very end of the relationship or cause a lot of stress and pain for us themselves and others. We love to fight right. Just not worth it, because the state of being right is subjective. With many layers and perspectives of truth When the "urgent" need in a fight over who is right and who feel jump wrong, ask yourself this question: "Would not be right, or if you prefer to be nice" ~ Wayne Dyer.

18th Say you. "Thank you" thank God, thanks to her parents, friends, and thank you for all the work you have done that reaches all Thank you many times you feel humble and modest person is rarely cynical.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Tips on how to effectively do away with back pain

Many people suffer from back problems in the long run. There are many steps to treat lower back pain. If you already done the proposals contained in the report is less likely to see a decrease in their pain levels.

Quitting smoking your cigarette. Smoking can actually lead to problems in the back. Quitting smoking can be helpful for your new file.

If you get any accident chiropractor appointment before you start to feel uncomfortable. Regular meetings with expert Chiropractic offers relief to small problems do not become big problems in the future.

Once power was a long time from one of the back is again something as simple as a choice for short trips during periods of recession. Bed to expand and move their bodies to mitigate the effects of compression of the spine and muscle aches clean simplicity of communication.

Many people just try to reduce the pain. They do nothing to address the actual description of what you have a problem in the first place. There is something new for back pain is a new product on the market. No product is brand new with results that can give patients. The fact is that the material of this system is not new. They have been used for a long time. The true power of this module is when you include all the materials examined together.

When taken in the context of system you will definitely get much better results. I want to take personally, only non-natural materials.

One more thing I would advise you to get rid of the pain completely reduce acid eating plan. It can be difficult because many people are slaves to complete their diet plan. For best results, please respect my understanding.

Genetic or practices of everyday life can make you more sensitive to the problems back again. Regular appointments with a chiropractor to straighten the back to avoid the problem of unpleasant development. Schedule appointments chiropractor will help you to meet the minimum conditions that otherwise may become significant lessons.

Affords a great moment occurs when muscle tissues function is not cooled yet. Stretch both before and after training to get the best final results.

But what may seem expensive, which eliminates the back pain can be a lot easier if you enlist the help of an expert is physically qualified expert. If you read the local medical center, you can find out if they have physiotherapists. If not, you can give you some referrals. It can be expensive, but it certainly can help over time.

Have you suffered back problems? There is no way your body too. Whatever you do, you also can make back pain. When you exercise, change the focus of your spine - if you feel the decline oppression - or pain in your back!

If you often back pain stimulation and Conditions, muscle tissues function is stretched over the back of the lower leg muscles above. Back problems can cause your whole body hurts! Working with ranges surrounding muscle groups too.

Away from anxiety if you have back pain, as the tightness of the muscle tissues function will make it worse. Try to relax and not feel any discomfort and has been humiliating to prevent muscle cramps. Get adequate levels of sleep and the use of a heating pad to reduce pain, relax muscles and increase blood flow to the back.

If you sit for a long time, I tried to cross your legs. Wide hips, using your back muscles. It helps keep them active. Make sure changes the legs from the modern time, when crossing your legs, which means that the stability of the muscle groups used the left and right edges of their.

Anything you can do to prevent joint pain regularly? One of the most effective ways to get rid of arthritis pain is the use of so-called resignation can be found in public meetings. These materials have been made to work effectively get rid of the pain and fix the real reason.

Too many people just make an effort to reduce pain. They do nothing to stop the real description of what they emphasize in the first place. The true power of this supplement is to combine all these ingredients together visas.

When taken in the context of system you will definitely get much better results. I just like to eat are natural substances individually.

Another thing I suggest you do to completely get rid of pain in the joints is to reduce the acidity of the eating plan. It can be difficult, because people are slaves to their diet plan. For best results, follow my recommendations.

Back pain is really a serious problem that the part can not be ignored. If it is not treated, long-term side effects can result. Get adequate measures to protect against back injuries one for beginners, it is much better to try to manage some later. If you have back problems, you have to learn to deal with it. It's also a good idea to increase the base of your daily eating plan. Best food you can get is to do all kinds of vegetables.

There is no need to suffer from joint pain more. Take the dimensions of the supplementary effective. Start eliminating heartburn eating plan. And have more alkaline foods. You may be impressed by just how much these things will be all right.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

10 ways to increase your chances of links from editorial

One of the problems is that the public relations do not always guarantee editorial coverage. And when guests major media the case, the sweet taste of success could write a little bitter about the SEO team in the absence of which a link delicious. So how can you maximize your chances of getting this powerful link?
Here are some tips to help you balance the odds in your favor.

A. Be of interest. Your story should be the period of interest. It is an absolute necessity if you want to get a chance to get a link. But "newsworthy" does not mean that the greatest successes that spreads like wildfire, often simply means a good story well.

Media reports can be used in various models over and over again to be divided. Inspiration is everywhere.

So grab your target publications and have a good read - not a quick scan, but take your time to digest the truth of these stories. Ask yourself the following questions:
• What's the story?
• What do you have?
• How do you think the story is it?
• How to create a similar kind in the history of your business?
• What could you do better?

The more you know about the stories, the "facts", the more you can create your own.

And if you have a story of interest to increase your chances of a link-editor.

Second In collaboration with PR professionals. If you are new PR in the game, you can learn a lot from working with a PR professional. Gillette is director of online marketing, SEO KoMarke Associates is a that a lot of time was spent working with teams of public relations. She admires the bargaining power of PR and has been used with good results.

"Public relations professionals have spent their entire careers building relationships and learn more about the negotiations with the media - something that rarely know much about SEO team work with a client to create a unique public relations and results in the form of and visit. links were incredible, "said Gillette.

Third Ask one link - politely! You might be tempted to link to a reporter along the lines of questions "you can use my story, if you give me a link to me post." It is certainly not recommended because:
• It is not professional and it shows that he does not understand. Dynamics of public relations
• The journalist is almost certainly "no" go and tell - you will be too much effort and to interview other people and to cover other stories.
• You lose coverage for yourself or your customers - editorial coverage itself is amazing - and maintain a link just messed up!
• Perhaps because of the publication policy, the reporter did not have the power to give a link.

So never on because you. Really not in a position of strength It is better to give journalists the stories they want, when it's hot, you feel it is time to ask whether it would be possible to link to your site.

4th If the latest news, invites journalists access to the original source. Mike Essex revealed a story of how he found that electronic books are always new content farms. The event was covered by many media outlets such as CBS News, which included a nice edit link.

However, had all the areas with the story an editorial link. Essex contacted and instead link it suggested asking readers can refer to the original source - the combination of course. It was a Simplicity link building strategy to do much more effective than saying we have a link please?.

5th Think about the resources to enhance your story. Publications online and offline tell little space for stories and news as well only part of the story. A good way to improve the chances of a bond, provide additional value to your website.

The classic case is that of market research. A good press release is grabbing headlines, but do not publish the whole story. This is where the creation of multimedia content based on the results links can attract editorial (see "18 ways to create unique content for the results of the investigation").

"One of the biggest mistakes you can make traditional PR, especially if the issue is not only a report to report on a website," says Ken of German. "This is part of SEO -. SEO and PR links from writing fabulous get together"

6th If you are an online business, check how your product is used. Can you make a good story where the player must go to your site to see the whole story? If you are an online business, the answer are almost certainly of course.

7th Build relationships with journalists and the media. In public relations, the establishment of good relations with the target publications, editors and journalists is essential.

Management relations in time and increase your chances of success to gain links and opportunities. To do this, you have a good first impression. Keep your answers short, catchy and to the point.

You must absolutely professional - give the reporter exactly what he wants and give it! Be attentive and helpful, and can help you if you ask the editorial link.

8th Keep the information on your site. Updates are also useful links to promote excellent editorial. This is not lost on the travel site Parking Hawaii tourists can cost up to $ 30 per day, so if the site regularly and published a list of free parking and affordable updated on the island

9th Enjoy your strengths. If you can help promote the last item scale, then your chances increase of commitments. Ciccarelli, launch of the press that "I usually testing
The value of the person who wrote the article by consulting experts and statistics add"

"If we are a link in the article and have not yet been determined, we need a link to our website. One way to make sure to leave the link to know the writer that after a massive social media, we that be happy to have this product with shares. currently 171,000 fans on Facebook and nearly Several hundred fans on our social media channels and site, "said Ciccarelli.

10th Use the services of third parties. Public relations is a skill that can be learned and will greatly enhance your ability to links to important websites to get authoritarian means. However, there are other sites that can help you get started.

HARO ( is a fantastic resource that allows you to charge in direct contact with journalists, to talk with companies that share useful.

When you register, you have more than 200 questions from journalists every day. Keep an eye on you to make the general information of each company


Publisher Links and editorial coverage can not be guaranteed. However, the following suggestions and you increase your chances of success. As they say wonderful movie "The Hunger Games", can never be the odds! Your favor"

Sunday, December 16, 2012

10 things you need to learn the business of standup comics

Great entrepreneurs are great observers. They watch carefully for the competition, analyze the market, your team and your partner. Great entrepreneurs to learn from the world around them and never, never stop learning.

Today I want to write a bit more about people, great moments to put our lives in ways that have nothing to do with the economy, entrepreneurship and companies boosted. Comics. That's right - a thousand years in all cultures, actor, comedian and satirical decor is still practiced and worked to make their brand, which is probably one of the oldest professions in the world, and maybe even the second oldest profession. Comics are not to go into the public domain or the authority of wisdom, but I think they are artists and entrepreneurs who learn many lessons we develop wonderful. Here are 10 things that comics do not all entrepreneurs can learn.

A comic take risks. You need. Every night they put in front of a room full of strangers and share their ideas and values. Of course, they do this to - to make people laugh. Entrepreneurs, by their efforts to take risks to succeed. Non-personal and economic security, giving time with family and friends, and every day we are open to criticism and foreign appreciated. To succeed in this business, and live comedy, we must be willing to accept and embrace the risk, but as a player, it must be done in a controlled manner, while measuring the potential reward investments in contrast to most employees.

Comics have two people. At best comic standing there today and you can easily reduce your style and your personality. Think BD develop your personal brand style and embrace the development of a strong personality. BD unknown, particularly consistent in their performance and their equipment to attract and keep your audience. Companies and Brands also strive to involve characters and sells it to make the image your company wants to set the question. For example, if we take into account Apple, we believe. Elegant and stylish products If you think Volvo, we believe that "security", and in instances where Bull Mart, tend to focus on value.

Tuesday BD develops consumer hardware. Without good [greater than or service, your business will fail. Entrepreneurs often develop their business around the customers to solve problems in order to ease the pain of a client, customer, or that there is something they can not find elsewhere. BD also awarded by creating new hardware, fresh and hysterically funny. Asked comedian wil tell you about the importance of creating new material to the public on the ground for five minutes. Ask any entrepreneur and they will tell you how important it is to keep your product or service and relevant. Same idea, different audience, that's all.

4 provocateurs BD management. Comics are willing to do "enemy" the performance of each individual. That does not mean you get vulgar drunk all the time, but you always have Singer remarkable contempt for the inevitable moment when someone shouted from the crowd: "You suck" entrepreneurs who live version of boos their - rejection of criticism, criticism from competitors and explored the media, and comics, answered repeated criticism carefully - crisper version of their enthusiasm, the silence is so special tease even the most ardent mocking or contemptuous.

5 BD "borrow" a comedy about the other. Comedy is the fact that. There are no new jokes, some variations of it, have always been there like all artists to learn from each other, borrowed ideas from others, and find the "inspiration" from their competition. Entrepreneurs have much to learn by observing and monitoring competitors and lend freely, the best ideas, the truth is that we can do better ideas and bigger, no matter where they come from.

Live in the rich world - Ronny Ede

6 BD fundamental aspect of other comics. There is a difference between inspiration and theft are very angry about the comics of his equipment stolen from others. This Cardinal different material without permission and comics easily can ruin your reputation, because in practice this type of theft. Companies should also be careful not to cross the line, at one end, the theft of intellectual property is a strategy that no company should be involved, but not to copy design marketing specifications, visual or mechanical are very weak morally. Justify

7 BD to connect with your audience. If you watch a great actor to work, you'll find they are. Always looking for discussion let's work and lines that do not have, they do not see eye contact members of the public what. Look at the guy who would not stop talking to your date the application and to ensure that the child did distraction while serving out loud drinks. The fact is that comics is affecting the environment, the quality of their performance, and they all need time to adapt and change in response to this environment. Large employers also spend a lot of time searching their environment and their customers. How customers react to a new feature or change in packaging? What is the answer if the price is adjusted? Where to see and hear the customers, a lot of companies and it is important to know what your customers.

8 comics using the response function. Some art of observation meets art in public spaces. When a great actor laughed with a new joke, it's a safe bet that the joke is on his way to the next and to the next. If the joke flops, BD usually takes one of two things: either to kill or completely refurbish try again with the people who come. Constant feedback loop is very important to the Company of comedy life and I think businesses in general. If customers continue to buy their products, most likely it's time to kill or change. And if customers always buy all the stock of their particular product is to produce as much as you can sell. Find information quickly and respond to kill fear joke that works.

9 matches BD. Point combines the two previous sections is comics are masters of energy and quick on your feet. Joke does not work? For a different group next Friday. Server brush making too much noise outside big insult to throw your way. Business, agile and flexible are features that serve their employers well. New marketing tactics show negative results? Turn it off immediately. New employee does not work well? Ensure coaching and feedback, and turned. New product sold quickly? Note that if the price is good. Entrepreneurs need to respond and the feedback capacitor, and make changes as soon as possible.

10 actual comics. All the time. They stand in front of a mirror and run their lines. Every time change their choice of words, repeated endlessly and tirelessly. Field of trade in and ask us to take the final product and makes this practice. Some employers report their second company much more successful first lesson, often attributed directly was learned the hard way. Let's run the business as your "art" and work continuously to improve their performance and their approach.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Towers diet you should stop spending money on

No matter how often we are told otherwise, die our obsession with quick-get-healthy diet probably never.

Too bad most of these quirks worth their weight in salt - or your hard earned money.

We have a list of some of the worst health trends, which today continues to put together.

Wardrobes for weight loss

When it comes to toning shoes is ridiculous and clothing that will help you to lose weight faster, you can hold onto.

Reebok has already paid $ 25 million consumers, after the resolution of a claim made unfounded allegations about her shoe line "for building muscle weight loss (Reebok denies the charges.) And the only study that seems to support the argument that the wire is stretched with burn more calories only involved about 15 participants.

"I think there are many ways easier and less expensive than the average person can burn calories and increase download the resistance," the Liz Neporent. "Get to work, for example, interval training and hill. These workouts are certainly the science behind them."

Hormone injections

People are really desperate to lose weight, even if it means hormone injections to establish the placenta of another woman.

The FDA has arranged to sell businesses and HCG (produces a protein in the placenta and in the urine of pregnant women "), after the combination therapy with a diet calories been little used sold. 40 days kit for $ 120 But the hormone has been approved for use in the treatment of infertility.

For MayoClinic: "Companies HCG is not approved for over-the-counter, yet has been proven for weight loss that sell over-the-counter weight loss product HCG violate the law.".


This is a trend that is cooked blood is almost all nutritionists: the idea that people cleanse your body of toxins by eating liquid diet variation.

The plan cabbage soup Beyonce infamous "Master Cleanse", almost no science to back them up, says Rania Batayneh essential nutrition for you.

"What consumers need to know is that your body detoxifies naturally through the lungs, skin and kidneys," he said. "Sweat it out, exhale and remove. Eating a clean diet every day you wait is to give the feeling to end, rob to start cleaning. Moreover, naturally clean and usually is based on the elimination of food or food groups, and complete. "

Artificial Sweeteners

This time with a fiber supplement - a new version of its popular Splenda sweetener has been announced, but the idea that the consumer is paying more fake sugar, which was pumped with more fake ingredients a bit annoying.

"Adding healthy elements of unhealthy things just does not make sense," says Batayneh. "What is one gram of fiber (or maybe 10 for most consumers of artificial sweeteners) can do for you, if you should really focus on whole grains, legumes, seeds, fruits and vegetables against fibers depend on their coffee? This small dose of fiber should not try to persuade. "

Gluten-free diet (if it is not medically necessary)

Batayneh calls it one of the worst myths weight loss there and a further attempt to play on the causes of the low-carb fad Atkins diet.

"A gluten-free diet is not necessarily a low-carb diet," she said. "A person who eats gluten drink a lot of carbohydrates, gluten-free bread, pasta, cereal and bakery products, as well as vegetables, fruits, grains and legumes."

Proven gluten-free lifestyle in order to alleviate the symptoms of autism in children and, of course, is for anyone with a gluten allergy. But "if there is no medical reason to follow a gluten free diet, it is probably of no use," says Tricia Thompson, RD, founder of

More organic produce

Whether additional health benefits from eating organic food is a common misconception that somehow come bundled with fewer calories than their brethren in the amount of pesticides.

The federal guidelines, which is not certified organic everything lots of careful and regular is not "dirty" enough to justify paying top dollar (up 150 percent) organic versions anyway.

The Environmental Working Group has an excellent letter detailing products "dirty" and look "clean" we.

Snack Packs

Weight loss has to do with portion control, but of little use, snacks of 100 calories is not just a desire for big budgets.

"We distortion of this nation, and although I love (100 calorie packs) are pre-parties, which may be a more expensive option," says Batayneh.

Instead, use a measuring cup in the desk drawer perfect to remove part of what you pay to eat at work (almonds, dried fruits, etc.), rather than more for the packaging.

Acai Berries

There are literally no clinical studies to claims that the antioxidants in acai berries make you live longer, help you fly to support your feet soft goose or anything else.

"We had waves of expensive juice" super "in the market, which had only fruit juices," says clinical nutritionist Stella Metsovas. "Test of the chemical in a laboratory completely different when the product is pasteurized. No way to treat a super fruit to compete with the natural form (ie, a handful of berries)."

The popularity of the acai berry in the United States, for example, led to a new wave of scams involving "free trial" for smoothies, juices and other products.

Diet Drinks

Not only do they destroy the teeth, but a recent study by the American Diabetes Association showed consumers about diet drinks have been packing on the pounds, not lose.

Do not drink calorie drinks on a number of nasty diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer have been linked.

If you want to stop smoking, treat yourself to slow Weening soda substitutes, such as water or gas gradually reduce the size of the portions.

Friday, December 14, 2012

3 things are signs that you should abandon plans for initial disturbance

The last scene I wrote, OMG was so awful awful. Of course, the other day I wrote something that looked good, and the day you wrote something that you think could be very good, with a little editing. But you wrote that last scene? Are you sure it was actually the worst scene that someone wrote about the history of writing. In fact, you are convinced that end, if anyone reading this would badly hurt from laughing so hard as he was. (Unless you write is comedy are, in this case it would be curled up in the fetal position and cry tears of misery miserably unhappy.)

To begin, the atmosphere, as it can, the scene was a lot in what you wrote about this scene must take. He would, I did not sleep much last night to play the team that started up, a neighbor employed to do things to your coverage was upset with a chainsaw, there were more than enough caffeine that was interrupted six times by cats and young children, and anyone trying to sell life insurance policies - in this case, it can be very difficult to write approach (or something else), without feeling a bit grumpy with him a lot. You can read it again the terrible scene in a few weeks and discovered that he was indeed perfect. The worst was his state of mind.

Also, if you. In the process of producing a first draft that easy to believe that as good as the last thing you want is written can be That's not true. Although the last thing I wrote was really the worst thing ever written, that's not true. They are as good as the beautiful new look that do not yet exist, the beta reader sent heart and wrote and edited and polished until you see your own face reflected in it. Now, could go only to give the final version. And if they do, try to how miserable scene of a first draft? Nothing.

Someone in publishing, said that sex is a really hard sale / saturation / not your cup of tea / written by only the gorillas drunk and a complete waste of resources. And say that someone you love, a publisher or an agent is very high on the list of dream agents. Is it depressing? Yes Is that a reason to quit smoking? Of course not. It would be interesting to do some research and find other people to publishers whose tastes align more closely to follow with you. It is also worth noting that people's feelings sometimes change, and what is popular or unpopular change forever.

And sometimes it can be a good idea to limit your intake of publication of the information. Not quite. Just a little. Because let's face it, there are some details that need to simply do not know, while you are writing a first draft. Of course, if you are planning, for example by replacing the word fiction novel 200,000 relates the adventures of a pair talk to toilets, and you think you could even the query without magenta for agents developed more chances for you to notice - then yes, it could be useful in order to investigate more. But if you know in the area, all your blog posts sleep Officers Memorial, if you are keeping track of each operation ever, including the novels that sound incredibly similar to yours, then started to panic about how nobody's Roman wants? Calm. Probably you are right. Moreover, it might be time to turn off the Internet, and you know, a little writing.

You read a book that is incredibly good and the book never be as good in a million years. The good thing about books is that they are seamless. They create the illusion that they have always been as they are now, as you read. Their incredible stories and memorable characters and wonderfully beautiful language But they were always wonderful on this? Not even the best writers produce first drafts disorder. I love these posts by Laurie Halse Anderson and Kristin Cashore, where they show the rawness of the early drafts of winter Girls Bitterblue and share it, how to set up and edit, formed the raw awesomeness.

You can too scared. But for many of us the first draft is just the beginning of the trip, and the most beautiful shiny things not visible until you are right at the end. All you have to do now is to ignore the fear and still make the trip, day by day, word by word, until we find ourselves.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Respect between generations

Human Rights was set up on paper but are not included in our values ​​and are not part of our identity. Mutual respect and tolerance are human qualities that have not been sufficiently developed. We like to meet, but we respect a lot.

The other is varied, can be people of other generations, religion or nationality different ideology different, different skin color, etc. Each person, depending on age and culture has a way of different worldviews. He speaks constantly of the wisdom of the elders, but did not try to understand and criticize the same way that young people speak constantly in the elderly.

Today, we are witnessing a historical moment in which the number of elderly people increases steadily each year in the hope of earning more minutes, but life is extended. More education is needed to achieve a change in attitude towards aging. Paradoxically, this is the word at conferences and in the two conferences on the subject, but everything is on paper and not in shares.

For example, in many health care facilities are encouraged to be served up and down several times independently of their people, young people use elevators without meeting the needs of elderly who are less able to use the stairs. Seniors few schools are trying to educate young people about this reality.

Therefore, children grow through the approval of this age has to do with the fear that the stage of life in which all die young should not occur. We need to enhance the experience of human dignity and values ​​of strength and outer beauty only.

This respect he enjoys, must be transformed into action and love for this group of people gave us much of what we are. At a conference where seniors invited groups of students and social areas, it was observed that the conversation that suggested that respect, the boy ran to them to beat the best place without worrying that could be injured in the race, there was also the danger that any spilled liquid could burn. The contradiction was clear that what was heard at the conference, was not part of everyday life. Not always respected gray, a cane or a person walking slowly, but rationally, this is what you do.

There are many elderly people living alone for different reasons, the family moved, died or have lost contact with them. We face a culture where the need for survival than anything else. In addition, the size of the town made it difficult for family members to visit and to live together as before.

Some old people are desperate, a woman committed suicide, leaving the following note: I can not live in this hell that has become my life. Nobody noticed until his death a few days later did not receive evidence that Leonor had existed and he was dead. What happened in this society?

However, it is important to note the differences between large and small: everyone sees things in terms of social culture in which he lived. For old time there lived a being young does not have the courage or the real merit, it was thought that the youth is a disease that marriage would cure time that overestimate the strength, beauty and outdoor freshness that age. This implies a lack of mutual empathy.

As young people do not understand the reactions of their age, they are sometimes overly critical of their culture. Children make little effort to understand grandparents grew up at a time when the phone was the only means of communication and television emerged was a wonderful event, meetings were held in the house of the lucky ones who already had television.

This is why some of the technologies that young people today have grown beyond the world of their elders who have heard angry about the excessive use of devices that young people use this form of messaging is in its frame. The social networking world does not live like the new generations. The same can be said for the freedom they enjoy and value change. This implies among other things, a wide gap between them.

Ideally, each. Try to get a little on the territory of another and so enjoy the old world and the youth because both have their own charm, in respect of each place we accept this distinction and look for new ways to integrate and harmonize our daily lives. Talk and ask can enrich and improve the real possibilities. The message drank good sense and wisdom of an old and a stir young designer. This communication may give a better idea of ​​the disenchanted world we live laugh together and enjoy the different experience each.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Find a Business Idea To create your business

Often you are tired, people work for someone else. You have a sense of adventure, challenge and want to break the pace of life a bit monotonous, and contribute to their lives and those of their families and for society as a whole. Whatever the reason, you have a burning desire to build your business. But you know what business you create?

When you cross the desert to reach an oasis of shade and fertile vegetation water on the other choose is what will or not? You will no specific route or a plan that will lead to the details on the next steps and the pitfalls to avoid?

We are in the following seven steps you through the process to follow to create your own business and be your own boss to lead.

Create your company Step 1: Find the IDEA

This step is the starting point for their business project. As La Fontaine said:, "nothing works, you have to start now." Based on their passions and talents and my abilities, you now try to repair the idea of ​​your company define the property and see what you will do as a company to start your business,

In general, there are two different ways that you can take: either follow a business idea "classic" and showed that already exists, or find an innovative idea.

Follow a conventional business idea

Follow passionates idea of ​​a field I love you, you cheer, and where you have a much better chance to develop their skills. It is a dream come true for you, that you enjoy, while money will earn.

Despite all the obstacles that you find there, luckily for you, help many training professionals, to improve those passions and skills that you may have, you can minimize these obstacles and run through the steps to create the idea of ​​your company .

Search and find your idea that competition

Search and find a sense of passion that even one of their skills (and vice versa)

Find an innovative business idea

A. Tourism is one of the easiest and most effective to find an innovative business idea. Many products and services are popular in other countries, but unknown or poorly developed in France. To find all of the countries visited and found to be innovative ideas for business, the first certainly the United States and Canada, often 4-5 years in advance. And, business ideas or even new and renovated again.

This also applies to Internet companies and the number of online business grows and becomes more successful.

The advantage of this online business is easy, and it's almost possible to study and to leave a good and lucrative business idea without the house.

Second To listen because there are always around us to use a lot of ideas, they are so simple lucrative enough for a fortune. In order to try to find one of these ideas, stay tuned. Listen to all the sentences with words such as: not terrible ... it sucks ... bothers me ... Not a big ... would be nice if ... etc ...

Try to see what. Behind these objections, and you are sure to find a good business idea "Beneath the Ashes, there's always a fire ..!"

Every time someone says these words when you refer to a product or a service, usually a lack of it. With a product or service free of this deficiency can bring happiness.

Tip: Enter your ideas in a notebook as they arrive. Remember the days when you had an idea ... to examine its effectiveness and, if possible, to get to the next step.

Until we reach a business idea, and in the following article we will look at the second stage, the "market research" to continue to provide market leading and measure the range of customers who buy their products is to explore.

To your success and good reading.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Education must be reversed

Through the school system (in California, Washington and Guam) has never been what I preferred as a child, but as a parent, I've learned to realize that the entire system is defined over it.

No system of government or a particular country, but the education system itself.

Traditionally, the school uses this model:
1 Decide to know what children in order to prepare for adulthood.
2 Prepare a curriculum based on that.
3 Enter the students in this program curriculum.
4 teachers have raised their demand information they need, and implementation expertise.
5 The student reads, stores the information, learn skills, and ready.
6 Students must follow all the rules or be punished. It's really important that information and knowledge. Even if it never tells them

Unfortunately, this is not a good model. Mainly because it. On the idea that there is a small group of people, the Authority has its headquarters, which will tell you what to do and what you need, and you must follow obediently, like robots And you do not have to think for themselves, or are trying to do what I do. This would be severely punished.

This is ideal if you want to be a seller and you need some skills to mainly work in this society ─ obedience skills, actually. But it is not ideal for the job market of the decade happens while people are employed less and less of a big company, and work on your own. And find out for themselves what they want to do. And learn new things by themselves, without a teacher, things are changing faster than ever before. Each month presents a technology that will change the way they work, or work in the future, and we need to learn and be able to. To the ever-changing landscape

How can we do that, or how our children learn that they can?, If they do not have the authority to tell them what they know, or learn, how, or what to do

Too often qualified trainees and will do great things after. By the school system But the system is in spite of, not because of it. We are always curious people very adaptable and can learn without authority, but the current school system is trying to put the bad. It fails because at some level, but if it succeeds, it weakens the people.

The school does not fail because it provides knowledge or skills, but because curiosity kills the joy of learning suffocated, with a brutality furious punches our desire to be independent, to think for ourselves, to learn things that interest us in reality .

"I suppose it is because nearly all children go to school today, and everything is ready for them, they look so sad unable to produce their own ideas." - Agatha Christie

However, teachers are excellent

Yes, I agree, they are. My wife was a teacher in the primary school English teacher and worked tirelessly for the heart with the interests of their students. She really wanted to teach the love of reading, and trying to do so. Unfortunately, she was frustrated by the authoritarian nature of the school board, and left. Now teach our children at home and try to give them the freedom to learn for themselves.

My grandmother was a teacher for decades. My aunt is a teacher, and she started elementary school, and now teaches children in a juvenile detention center, and she is very good instilling a love of reading. I love the teachers, and I have great respect for them.

I think we are in a system that does not work. Those who can not work, given the nature of the world as it evolves.

How can our children for a future that we expect? How can we know what skills they need, what skills are important in 10 years or 15? We have no idea what the world will look like. I know nothing. Have you? Is there a single person who knows how people work in 15 years?

I think it is impossible. And more, it's always been impossible. The labor market is now completely different from what it was when I was a kid in shorts, has three decades and found the whole schoolyard, wiped snot nose that j 'and all had to learn about the Cold War. So people do not have computers at work, at least most of them, and those who had computers were nothing we have today. Most people use electric typewriters and fax machines were not in the office. Faxes ...

So yes, I love teaching, and I think they are amazing what they do. I think you should do, but need not be a teacher but mediators.

No direct learning because when students grow, not directed in their learning, are self-taught. Remember: if you learn things today, as an adult, you learn with a teacher, or learn things for yourself? And is learning itself is not funny? Would not you like to learn new things? Do not make learning more durable than they? Storing things in school

What we learn in school is almost as important as the way we learn, because to learn the way, is the teaching of the school.

"Decided in their wisdom, the Founding Fathers, that children create an unnecessary burden on the parents' schools as prisons and torture called education are .." - John Updike

How to learn

And told us, as a recipient of information, not learn thinkers. Follow the rules. Read pages 100-132. To do the exercises. Save the information. Salts in a single test. Doing this project, because we say so, because it is fun and interesting.

To learn the ways is to learn, various supplements. It is this: learn what you want, captures what your eye, what fascinates you. To find out where to get the information they need. Read, talk to someone, find things about him. Try it. Did they make mistakes. Find out how to correct the error. Figuring out how to solve problems that arise. And repeat.

In other words, you will find the topics that interest you, and find ways to solve them.

Sometimes you have to identify problems that are not so interesting, just to solve the problems that really interest you solve. All right. That's how things work.

And here's a secret: we know how. From birth. This method of learning is innate in all of us. This is us.

If a child to do something, like reaching the top of the refrigerator, the chocolate share has hidden wants to find a way. He will find a way to move a chair against the fridge, or download a shelf next to the fridge to get the candy. Along the way he learns things about 2-3 cupboard doors, refrigerator doors, and why you do not have to on the one hand in a chair leaning, if you do not want to fall, and blues.

If a child wants to play a game, you are things like the installation and activation of a PS3, how to navigate the menus, how to learn the game to convince his mother that he rangera his room later and nearly finished begin his task so you can now play.

Children know how to solve problems when they want to do something.

No need to learn. We just need to clear the way.

And that's the problem with the schools. You can motivate children to learn, because to break them. They try to integrate rebel into a rigid system of authority, against the children of course. In fact, this is the main problem and children eventually find all kinds of creative ways to truancy tackle and fireworks with amazing doodles around the edges of your laptop instead of listening throughout history, or ingenious ways by using other technologies to communicate, such as text- messaging or iPhones or old technologies and other passages of notes.

Creativity is not dead in our children. She is alive, but come together to fight the forces that seek to destroy them.

"No reason to cry if they care situations, the materials, the problems of the child is not interested, move your attention on what's really important, and no amount of preaching or threats to come.". - John Holt

A backward education

How can our children for the future? People have written much better than I do about it. View articles and topics not on education, I highly recommend it.

To a large extent this is to break easily. Let them know what they want to learn, and you know what? In fact, would be interested in what they are learning because they have chosen. You have a passion for things that come to school not as a rule.

You will learn how to treat the problem of freedom delicious, a problem that most children do not have today. You have experience of autonomy to roll and where to get your hands dirty, something they have in abundance as adults.

But what if you are watching TV or playing video games all day? If they are not interested in math or science, and never learn? If not prepare for the job market?

These are the questions from beginners in the world of education, and I would answer them all here. They have more in the comments, I'm sure. I'm not the guy who answered these questions. Search in Google and read the school because many people much smarter and answer all your questions and more.

I will say two or three things. One thing we have to relax and not have to look like a child every minute of time with rigid rules and learning are required. It is a time that should enjoy, and children should play and learn while playing. You will learn to play well and work well with others. You will learn to discover things for themselves. You learn to love freedom and loved his partners, autonomy, responsibility, choice, time management and, yes, passion.

Two, remember what we talked about before, we have no idea what the job market of the future will need to be, so stop worrying about the fact that the preparation. In fact, stop worrying so much. Let the children learn to learn and learn to be passionate about things. This will prepare them for the future.

Three also recognize that it is not necessary to completely unremarkable. We can be intrusive when they are presenters, directors or dictators. We help children, the things that interest them and share them in a world of entertainment (e.g, computer science and mathematics) to find, might educational games, help them to solve problems, if you learn to do it yourself, lead them to the resources and people who give their mountains of information. Be there for her as a leader.

This is a big issue, and one that can not be adequately covered in one article. I will be working for another article on education in the family and the school, and how to get there and do it for you. But for today, I wanted to throw a few ideas for education, and maybe a little nervous. We should all think a little dose of trouble from time to time, I do.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Your Employees Working Quality

constantly working

One of the hardest aspects of being a manager or an entrepreneur trying to motivate their employees to work at their highest level of productivity. This problem can be resolved through some simple steps and field endurance. Here are five ways to improve the quality of people in your organization:
A. Start recruiting.
The right candidate at the door in the first place is the key to improving the quality of your staff. There are several ways to make this work for you as a job recruitment software, recruitment agencies or. Be sure to do your job as possible1 specific. Learn to compliment your employees on a consistent basis

It has been said that effective praise than criticism. It is easy to see what your employees are doing wrong, you take the time to realize what they are doing right. This encourage their employees to give all his efforts to the task ahead.

Second Various incentives and rewards

Everyone likes to be rewarded for a job well done, and rightly so. Be sure to note it, and finished to reward employees who go beyond to ensure a project is properly and accurately. Remember, a cash prize every week or every month to give the workers more than meets the expectations.

Third Be flexible in order to give free time

Note that your employees have a life outside of work. As flexible as possible with your schedule and allow plenty of free time. Your employees have health needs, emergencies and vacations, they need time. Do your best to work with them when they occur. An employee is a worker rested a lot more efficient than tired.

4th Promotion within your company, if possible

Promotion of your company provides employees with an incentive to work hard at your job, knowing that you have the opportunity to be able to salary and benefits. Nobody wants to be stuck in a dead end job with no hope of promotion. Jobs are rarely unemployed long-term employees.

5th Make sure that your employees know exactly what is expected of them

There is no better way to frustrate your staff in the delegation and their projects and tasks are disorganized. Constantly working in all areas of your work are organized. This is an environment for efficient and productive synergy.

Work on these topics as business owner or manager, you will improve the quality and productivity of their employees. The sky is the limit to how far can your business, if you are constantly working on these essential elements for high quality employees. Without employees, there is no such thing as a successful business. Want to learn a way to treat your employees like yourself treated if you were in their place found.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Ways to improve energy efficiency through lighting

It is easy, once you cut your energy and increase the user-friendliness of the environment of your home. The key to energy saving lighting is easy, but for many homeowners and renters, know-how and what to do to improve the lighting efficiency of your home can be confusing.

To address the confusion that has the American Lighting Association (ALA), some simple steps to save energy:

A. Replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent lamps (CFL). And your electric bill - their most frequently used light bulbs with compact fluorescent lamps share by a direct influence on the energy consumption have. "This is the best way to begin to improve their energy efficiency," says Joe Rey-Barreau, education consultant for the ALA and an associate professor at the University of Kentucky Interior Design. To the CFL for you to find, look at the color temperature indicated on the label of the lamp. Choose a lamp with the words "Living Colour", "warm" or "soft white".

Second Replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent lamps adjustable adjustable. Since the color palette of CFLs has improved, so that their ability to be dimmed and adjustable lamps are known to reduce energy consumption. However, energy saving lamps do not usually range from light bulbs.

Third Buy brands. It's frustrating to invest in a long light bulb, only quickly burn. To avoid this, buy stamps, to improve the quality and color.

4th Renew outdoor accessories. Outdoor lighting accessories can be beautiful, but maybe a power eater, too. Look at energy efficiency of the two devices with compact fluorescent lamps or light emitting diodes (LED), or those triggered by a motion sensor or a photocell.

5th Buy ENERGY STAR qualified lighting and illumination. Energy Star is a U.S. Department of Energy certification in most devices not recognized - but also in the lighting and light bulbs.

6th Renovation recessed lighting with LED lamps. While LEDs have a higher initial cost, which will last for the life of the lamp.

7th Replace lighting under cabinets. With a long life and high efficiency LED lighting installed some fairly simple also, including hard drives, and as under cabinet lighting strips. As an added bonus, the LED lights are not emit unwanted heat from incandescent bulbs.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Performance standard game: Windows 7 vs Windows 8

We know that the look and feel of Windows 8 are very different from Windows 7. But once you pull the favorite track is the last impact your experience of Microsoft? We tested 10 games and chat with one of the developers games suppressing able to answer this question.

If you read blogs, I bet you have a copy of the new installation of your Windows system, maybe even go back to 1985 and Windows 1.0. That, as before, we provide new functionality. We love a certain part and we hate others. Things I've used for years to break down, and other things that I need an additional driver packages on the past will also work out of the box. Capabilities that have the potential to improve performance, and other software might be higher loads.

I do not expect to see the performance of the game are changing the transition from Windows 7 to Windows 8. AMD Zoomeven know before 8350 FX launch of Windows 7 machine properly repaired should not behave differently than Windows 8 on it (this is why I do not see us as a Windows 8 digits). Companies like AMD and Nvidia that much time to develop drivers and adequate support modern graphics cards was in place on the launch of Microsoft. In most cases, once the fire of your favorite game, their experience should be pretty similar.

"But wait a second," reads the player read a lot, now with problems. "What about the statement Gabe Newell:" I think Windows 8 is a disaster for everyone in a computer "Gabe seems to know what he was doing most of the time, Valve Corporation company developing games for steam and mass distribution platform. Course digital, we have eyebrows when he said Valve has invested resources Linux version of steam and adapt games to run on open source operating system. then what's really the problem? Windows 8 are desperate love? If players to avoid at all cost and stick with Windows 7?

Zoomi Gabe saw an interview where he said that Windows 8 has a terrible interface, and everything is much more difficult to make the new operating system. Right to be said, I use RTM of Windows 8 for some time now, and I agree that it should be possible to avoid the Metro interface on your PC completely. But I do not think Microsoft is the latest sign of the apocalypse.

It is not wise to sweep the paradigm of desktop icon and under the carpet. And, it will keep many people. But I like to think that it adapts to an enthusiastic crowd. Find out how to turn STACEY games will not be long at all, and after a little practice, people who are determined to learn your way around Windows 8. Game screaming edge if the operating system breaks more honest title.

I think the issue Gabe on Windows 8, and is one directed, is the new Windows Store. This is the equivalent of Microsoft's application store, and the company also owns 30% of what they sell there. Growing concern is that Microsoft does not allow certain software to work with your new operating system. Sounds a bit like Apple's closed platform? Development community just afraid that Microsoft Windows Store goes the same way. And it is clear that the company control over what is offered in their store, no one knows what will come of it. Therefore, Newell is willing to spend (or at least threaten to spend) money in the development of Linux.

Much ZoomAs I know, Microsoft has done something against the wall of Windows 8. Steam can be installed without problems with any other application inherited. Of course, it's a different story RT in Windows, which is limited to applications available through the Windows Store. Accordingly, it will be harder to make money end RT two devices with Windows and Microsoft Developer care can go a similar path in Windows 8 and to take part each sale they make.

For now, then, in addition to learning the new interface, the main concern, you need to do is to know how their favorite songs in the new OS. Windows 8 DirectX is updated to version 11.1 (11.1 DXGI Direct3D 1.2, WDDM 1.2, etc.), but at least for now, do not expect much difference. However, we had to see for myself if the frame rate or compliance would be adversely affected. If you compare the 10 songs we love Windows 7, and 8.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Customer Service Social Media Management Tool

The use of social networks as a major distribution channel for customer service management

In large / medium and small business value and generating gaining momentum.

Depth Survey (U.S.) of 578 companies found that 34% of companies surveyed,

Use the new - Tools for managing the media leader in customer service for two years or more.

Companies that adopt customer service with new tools - Media,

Is expected to significantly improve customer relationships and make the product / service offering attractive.

New concept of using channels - customer service communication, firms can generate medium / small:

Such businesses (SMB ((small medium as "thin / flexible and profitable"

The use of new media for customer service management,

We will save Aofrtziit expensive service costs (such as a call center wide)

To respond to customer complaints from customers who are natural places (social media),

Get personal information, and compete successfully

Big business, big customer service centers based large extent, ownership patterns may change and transition management tools and new technologies are limited and cumbersome.

The survey results show four companies (Best Buy, Dell, JetBlue, LL Bean) trained to use the new - media management solutions to their customer service.

Here are some ideas (essay based on one of the four companies above) can help companies

On his way to the realization of managing customer service "digital"

Listen first ...

Listen Pain "and could lead to customers complaints value: Play brings empathy -" Something really want to help me .. ".

This is the best listening channels were - the media, where you will find a broad dialogue, feedback and potentially free expression.

How to work behind the scenes - not interesting for its customers ..

Looking to help customers not interested in answering ready platform provider / does not care what the dispatchers and other professionals who will give you the solution or alternative, what are the procedures that provide customer service provider - is as a simple process - the customer wants a solution to your problem! .

Example: human service centers / answering customers funnel between different service providers / voicemail options - obstruct the process of providing the service, and often end in an open service call can not be an answer.

New channel compared to the treatment - the media that matters - simple, permits, and returns a clear solution for the customer to choose.

Reading can open the service / technical reading the new channel - Media and apply the solution directly by email, SMS, direct response to Facebook (as an example) -, which opened the service call or a personal call.

Reading a service and provide the solution focus, serious feel valued customers with convenient turn once more,

Tell friends and maybe interested in buying a product / service offers the solution.

Seller: Do not bother to quell customer complaints ...

On failure serious problem / providing the service / product, you must provide a "go" for their customers, simple and clear explanation of the nature of the problem / how to handle it, to create empathy for cause temporary inconvenience to customers as a result of malfunction.

In this case the use of new media - in customer service can play two opposite directions:

Share explain the difficult customer (video, short post, image, etc) instead of "sweeping under the rug" dialog will open new media channels, will give customers creative solutions that can help provide troubleshooting / show tolerance and understanding.

Hiding the problem can lead customers to express their frustrations on the "walls" New tool - media, and prove to offer loyal customers can find antagonism When not show the true situation and prevent behavior useful to use a product / service purchased.

Tip doubt was one step ahead of customer service while promoting fault / problem and give an open auction.

Seller: Doug quality team to achieve the solutions ...

Provide a more effective customer service through a new tool - Media requires professional treatment team dedicated service representatives.

Care staff training and service personnel (which may be one person ..) delivers a new medium professional channel

Received call service (Facebook / Twitter / corporate website / blog then)

Increase motivation of customers to continue to implement the use of these tools,

Recommend to friends

And the call of service upgrade was a response to the potential purchase of the product / service.

The easiest is to make service calls sales team "on the road" (instead of train service personnel designated for this purpose ..), move very fast out as an error - the client knows exactly if the season had several forms knowledgeable service and therefore measures the success of the quality of service providers and reliable customers.

Summary and Conclusions

The use of new - client communication service certainly seems an effective solution as the leading ones: Facebook, Twitter,

And it is necessary to match the organization's service provider / supplier.

There are many tools New - Media (mostly free) can be used in the implementation of customer service, choice and commitment must be considered in each business according to their capabilities.

• The Company has not yet entered the field of social media / domain that is still in its infancy:

Besides teaching new domain - Media, hiring personnel,

I should add the issue of strategic management as a customer service leads / Investment

And generates commitment (Commitment) and high commitment among business customers.

• a business that has a presence in New - Media, and plan to add a service to its customers:

Use the wisdom of crowds proved more than once,

Even in this case: a brief survey of customer-facing business (which represents the wisdom of the crowd)

Question: What new channel - Media preferred customer service and the best answer to your questions?

Bring a clear picture what customers want, we recommend preferred business approach in service delivery and customer convenience.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

How is your husband in the case of impotence help

The woman is the best way that may exist against sexual weakness. Many women who have problems rationally your support and understanding husbands. Here, it is possible to do:

You may consider this issue as a challenge to be both, not to criticize or make fun of her husband, as they may exacerbate fears her husband sexually. Must alert and focused, even when joking with her husband because the man has difficulty accepting such jokes.

You can also use the sexual practice that can lead two things. On the one hand it will be more interesting to her husband on the other hand, it brings more personal satisfaction in this regard.

After some time of the marriage, sex can take two directions. Sex is the same, you start from the beginning, use the partner the same position and the same actions.

However, the opposite is more likely if the woman takes the reins, the man remained under the light entering the room, the bed ready and waiting carnal woman? It would be even better if she helped him undress because it gives more pleasure vis-à-vis her. It also found that attractive and helps give you more confidence in yourself and you're sexual abilities.

So the first thing to do before anything is to know the causes of sexual weakness, which are the most important:

Power loss

The man in a state of sexual weakness should act on their problem in a natural way, this should not be a kind of castration because the reality is that sexual desire increases with age and does not remain the same level. Therefore, the sexual desire of a man of 50 years were less than a man of only twenty years. But that does not mean in any way that sexual activity is complete. Likewise, their needs are at this age do not compare to those of their youth. Seen more clearly in erection and swelling of the penis will not be as before, and it is possible that the penis is hard sometimes.

It is also important to remember that the ability of a man of 50 years of love, giving and receiving is that of an immature young man. Sex is to prove not only physical fitness masculinity.

Therefore, a mature man is willing to sacrifice, "how much" in favor of "how" is better. And, if the man is his new situation with understanding and intelligence, also with the help of his wife, he could only succeed in their relationship.

We cannot guarantee success, when he reflects on the possible ways the problem, rather than being dead. Your problem is a common problem in the population, but a cure. This behavior is closer to success and this is a very important point.


Can hide behind the mask of masculinity, the fear and the fear of sexual weakness. We saw that the man's confidence closely associated with sexual desire. Thus, some men suffer from weakness due to their fear of the inability to satisfy the sexual needs of their wives.

It is here that. The role of women you need to show that her husband amoureuse. Elle clear with this practice in language and is satisfied by other means. When man knows this fear of failure, it is difficult to get rid of it. Fear can be summed up in this: he's afraid to be rejected each time he approaches his wife, then uses fear and a habit.

In fact, when a man approaches his wife and she is in a state of stress or they do not feel well, it is necessary in this situation, especially if your husband is a sensitive person and he understood that the problem is, this has nothing to do with it. Because the fear of the people can make you feel that you do not find sexually attractive, no one can accept. Nothing can be worse for him in this area.


The man is incapable of carrying out the joke, especially if it is your manhood. More than that, when it refers to the genitals. Reasonable and prudent woman would never do such a thing because nothing can destroy this man. There she is wearing something from her husband in sexual weakness.

Mocking the gun is really a child, but when a woman wears can be fatal.


Not to mention their religious ban and its many health consequences, smoking kills thousands of people every year. German doctors have found that cigarette smoke are the reduction of male hormones causes the cause of male sexual ability. Can lead equally influenced fertility and sterility.

Tobacco acts indirectly on sexual ability in two ways:

- Carbon monoxide, smoke fired first, reduces the oxygen in the blood, which affects the glands to produce the male hormones and lower production costs.

- Nicotine is the contraction of the blood vessels. Similarly to fill with blood, and there is a swelling of the penis, erection, or cannot be done.

Besides low qualifications body smoking, bad breath significantly reduce the sexual attraction to your partner.

Finally, many studies on this subject have shown that many men feel an improvement in your sex life immediately after leaving.

The passive woman

Every man dreams of a woman's exciting that a sexual position should be hot in bed. It is a great thrill and pleasure for him. There's sexual desire for his wife feels is a new proof of his masculinity.

However, the inertia of the women leads to boredom and boredom in sexual weakness because the woman leaves her man in this state, a body without a soul, as if performing a ritual of marriage compulsory. All this leads to the destruction of the sexual relationship between man and his wife. Nobody wants to make love to a corpse, but I like to think that his wife is with him, as he did with her.

Vaginal Dryness

When a woman is aroused, the vagina will fill with blood and produces its own lubricating substance. This natural lubrication is usually in less than a minute, but sometimes a little longer. If insufficient lubrication, penetration can be painful and irritating, if not impossible. This is called vaginal dryness.

Vaginal dryness can be a sign of a physical or emotional problems, or lack of desire. It is also common when the preparations were unsuccessful. Vaginal dryness is more important at certain times of the menstrual cycle and menopause affects one in five women. Lower estrogen levels, the atrophy of the vaginal walls caused, and therefore a decrease in secretions. The vagina is more time to lubricate. When a woman is stressed or if you follow a diet, let your adrenal less estrogen and therefore more difficult to combat vaginal dryness.

After illness or childbirth, for example, the vagina is rather dry. But sometimes suffer from vaginal dryness is normal. So do not worry if it's an occasional problem.

Update on the G

Scientific fact or speculation? If more than confirm their existence, the problem remains unresolved.

For some doctors, the famous G-spot is an erogenous zone diffuse, a pad of flesh on the front wall of the vagina, behind the pubic bone opening, four inches vulva. It would be the equivalent of the prostate and can secrete a fluid in the vicinity of the sperm, but the sperm during orgasm, a phenomenon that has resulted in some talk about female ejaculation. The formal proof of its existence has been rare and many doctors are skeptical.

For others, the G-spot is an invention that no activation, the staff has to play an important role in the female orgasm. This so-called "G-spot" is actually an area of ​​greater sensitivity in women. But all the walls of the vagina are fun and different sensations.

The Muslim must renounce doubt that he has no doubt. Moreover, brings neither a science nor an additional reward as essential or a change in sexual behavior between spouses when, instead, a waste of time and effort and frustration in the search for the famous Point G try their existence only. Only God knows the secrets of creation.