Showing posts with label the clinical facts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the clinical facts. Show all posts

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Clinical data on stress

Stress is one of the most common problems and trends of modern life always very important for a variety of chronic health problems and the extent and serious diseases. As part of our discussion of the clinical facts on stress must recognize the importance of stress as a factor of change in the modern lifestyle of our great way of life that shape our decisions and waiver mainly on our human resources capacity in the physical plane and spirit. In a world that is also affected by the irregularities of the pace of modern life and the values ​​of the decay of the biological unit of stress is to take as disastrous to flow in all areas of our mortal existence. To prevent the scientific and clinical research efforts for the full attack against the effects of stress continues worldwide. We list here some of the most important clinical understanding of stress in relation to stress.

Clinical definition of stress

After various medical sources and stress linguistic explanation, the total reaction time is level organic mental and physical situation and forced. Understanding the definition of stress is one of the most important things. In obtaining clinical data on stress If we are challenged to any situation in life, whether physically or mentally depressed, or both at the same experience and are ready. These situations by releasing certain hormones that react as stress hormones But if the situation greater proportion of the pressurization mechanism stress symptoms after not presented in a position with a difficult environment or situation and manage the medical stress management.

Stress in the world

To enumerate the clinical facts about stress, we have developed a brief overview of the situation as stressful variance in growth and health lifestyles. Despite the tension in their effects and the devastating consequences are mainly used as decay in industrialized countries with the greatest amount of pressure and value system, stress symptoms for more than one and a half decade reached proportions dangerous in the rich industrial countries more than half of emerging and developing countries. Another important thing, to have a mind is that even if the stress is to be primarily determined by the modern way of life in industrialized societies because of the pressure of work, a number of other factors contribute to this hovers in the design the world of stress, for example, the crime situation, the growing threat of international terrorism, etc. Here. several important facts and information on the state of stress in a global perspective

According to a recent survey by the American Psychological Society, more than 50 percent of U.S. employees say they are less productive due to the stress of work during the weekdays. In a similar study by the same organization that many people in the U.S. take a crucial decision to leave the workplace or the transformation of the profession prematurely or told to retire because of the stress factors. Several studies and surveys also achieved similar stress as a major factor in the effects of denigration of their relationship, which really adds the additional restriction.

What happens in the stress?

With regard to the formation of our understanding of the clinical facts on stress the most important aspect, such as stress occurs deep in our body or in other words to say how our body reacts work stress. As already mentioned, we have stress is essentially the result of our inability to handle the situation under pressure and challenging environment with our psycho-somatic stress functions actually manifests itself with symptoms that vary primarily by hormones ineffective or inappropriate and in relation to to emphasize exploitation or production of stress hormones or other chemicals in the body impulse activity and hormones can, without actually causes the symptoms of stress are used. All of these factors in terms of the appropriate response, inappropriate or excessive stress hormones actually play a crucial role in the cause of the apparent level of physical or mental stress.

Traumatic stress or unpleasant situations in terrible conditions as manifested in extreme reactions. Opposite discussed by many experts as a response to the caves or Tiger Tiger. This kind of difficult situation triggers the fight or flight response of the body at risk. In these kinds of situations that cause anxiety or panic disorder or disease that our body releases adrenaline enough or chemicals such as norepinephrine, which expresses or run or take a terrible movement, although in most cases do not occur in physical activity in response on everything. In such situations, the chemical energy is really lead your heart beat, high blood pressure, nerve function and can more actively on many physical reactions. The point of the Joy is back, as you physically were a caveman with the introduction of chemicals battle or struggle in the body, running or for what fight are not exposed to stress, but complete modern life now, you no longer need respond and you need to think again and again and get a quiver of stress and all sorts of worries to stress.

Cortisol is mainly because of the stress hormone crucial role in the body's natural response to known stressors. In response to stressful situations worsen our body reacts to fight or flight, and as we have seen in these cases that modern people do not react to really enjoy the physical expression of psychological expressions and why stricter provide wide range of disastrous effects on our health and physiological functions. Cortisol is secreted when less, and rarely, in situations of minor pressure really beneficial to our health as it protects our organic depending on the environmental conditions or difficult situation. But when stressful situations are common in activated secrete higher proportion of cortisol activates the immune system and other functions, to be more active and thus the tension of the nerves, muscles, circulation, brain signals and weakens the immune system to fight the aliens reactive elements in the body .

Cortisol by medical experts as the increased glucose utilization in the brain and other parts of the body and can cause a deficiency in the body's natural tissue repair. When we talk about the devastating effects of stress susceptible to threaten us for all kinds of chronic diseases and also the lives of many diseases critics usually refer to speak to these long-term effects of stress hormones.

Symptoms of Stress

Knowing the symptoms of stress in your detailed demonstration on internal and external complications is one of the most important factors in obtaining clinical data on stress. Symptoms of stress are physical and psychological, in most cases of stress in their first symptoms behavior problems and signs are related to mental functions such as anxiety, stress, depression identified thought patterns of hyperactivity, abnormal thinking, confusion, obsessive mental stress, etc. both mental and physical, in its various forms that we see in detail shortly.

Level of physical stress can in symptoms such as headaches, muscle tension or pain, chest pain, fatigue or lethargy, decreased libido, insomnia or sleeplessness, high blood pressure or high blood pressure, stomach pain, nausea, etc. Depending on the level of stress can in symptoms such as anxiety, tension behavior excited behavior, lack of concentration increase, raging attitude, lack of motivation or inspiration in everything, the level of irritation, bad temper or anger, excessive aggression, grief and depression, etc..

Manifest at the behavioral level as internal physical and psychological symptoms in a number of ways, such as changes in eating habits are typical expression either overeating or eating low, anger or cholera epidemic shows in the relatively insignificant occasion, chronic irritation resulting persistence or a little obsessive behavior, social communication problem, which rose out of social isolation or social segregation, drug or alcohol use, increased use of tobacco snuff and destructive tendencies finally joining crime rackets, murder or suicide. Note that all of these signs of stress are dependent on each other through different levels and experience related to each other through the sacrifice of many others, as well as mental stress.

Various expressions of stress in real life is an area that reached the voltage corresponding to the explosion varied knowledge about clinical evidence of stress not won mentioned. In some cases there may be extremely excited and burst into anger or frustration well and in such cases it is more like a pot of boiling water and still can not sit for a minute. In stark contrast sometimes tend to end or withdraw from the situation, and depression every moment for you to pull a heavy burden on the body and mind. And there are situations where these two reactions subjected stress, while related. In such situations, not heated, and it shows a complete disregard for the withdrawal of the situation, but ultimately can not control your mind in a circle in this situation, and you remain apparent in the depth hectic Warmer his face. When stress takes control of you or in other words, if one is overwhelmed by stress reactions do not know how it manifests itself.

Stress and damage to body functions

Stress can take many forms heavy burden on their physiological functions and understanding of the health effects is important derogatory about a clear understanding of clinical events stress. Stress can actually do as medical researchers and experts from different professional fields of medicine exercise great influence on the functions of nerve dysfunction of the respiratory function of the blood flow or restore function or heart function. That is why modern humans fight against a number of chronic diseases and stress battle was very important.

Stress and the function of the nervous system:

With the fight or flight response body from the stress that is affected by all other organic functions our nervous system and the nervous system only our body reacts by the release of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, but if it is more common than most people stress installed, then the function of the nervous system begins to tire and show fatigue, irritability, clouding of thinking, depression or explosion of anger in response to even small challenges.

Stress and respiratory diseases:

Stress in most cases, people feel the beating heart and the high rate of respiration, and of course, if this situation persists often under stress then increased respiration rate again can damage the respiratory tract, lungs, or in some cases, hyperventilation or breathing problems with panic attacks connected lead.

Stress and cardiovascular problems:

Among the most important clinical facts about stress, the effect of stress on cardiac function and more importantly stress than other parts, if our organic system can do more damage to the function of the heart. When you are stressed your heart is at risk from all functions. Increasing the pumping of blood through the heart, increased heart rate and contraction of the heart muscle just once. In stress responses that make you more susceptible to a heart attack or cardiovascular problems

Stress and musculoskeletal problems:

World for joint pain or stress problems several skeletal muscle is one of the areas affected. Yes, psychological stress, although surprising, however, that physical stress can pejorative great effect on the joints and muscles, and perhaps a number of factors that. On common problems such as arthritis In the stress muscles tense and contracted often occurs with prolonged stress weakens the muscles and stress on the joints of the skeleton and leading eventually lead to serious damage or musculoskeletal diseases such as arthritis.

Stress and gastronomic problems

Stress can trigger a variety of gastronomical problems in several ways. If you are under stress, probably an increase in the levels of hunger by the action of stress hormones in the orientation of their functional roles are to experience in a short time, or it may result in a lower level of hunger because of depression or mental tension due to stress . In both cases, their function suffers from gourmet food intake is not proportional. Secondly, when you are stressed because of the extreme restlessness or contraction of the muscles and digestive system also suffers this result in poor digestion.

Stress and endocrine overactivity

The endocrine system is really responsible for the release of stress hormones, now with stress systems frequent and persistent endocrine glands eventually become tense following result produce less of the stress hormone and in the absence or lack of adequate levels of the stress hormone we suffer more susceptible to stress and more.

Stress and damage to the reproductive system:

Stress can cause enormous damage to the reproductive system of men and women in different ways. In men, the first restriction reduces body's natural response to strong sex. Chronic stress can lead to a deterioration of the hormone testosterone and sperm and can become impotence. Female reproductive system damage can be caused by a slightly different way. Chronic stress in women can deregulate the menstrual cycle and can be painful that. Significant influence on the reduction of sexual desire

Stress and immune system damage:

Without which we can not complete our description of the damage caused by stressors in clinical practice list Stress causes the immune system damage caused by stress. Often with prolonged stress or stressful situations fight or flight response of the body is to be active against the potential for stress management and the process of the immune system also tense every time he must remain vigilant, and this can cause considerable damage the operation of the immune system. A damaged immune system more stressed people can lead to an increased susceptibility to infectious diseases and bacterial infections.

To our discussion of the clinical facts about stress conclusion is that the most important thing in fighting stress can not easily be answered a normal healing process approach than many other diseases and medical conditions, but relations with the stress assume taxpayers factors in our lifestyle and the environment as a priority. Stress is one of the health problems centered lifestyle with lifestyle changes alone to treat yourself before sending it to medications or therapy.