Showing posts with label augmentation surgery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label augmentation surgery. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The most dangerous long-term risk associated with breast implants Implant OUTSIDE

When a woman chooses breast augmentation surgery, there is a risk of breast cancer should consider long-term implants. This risk is termed implant rupture.

During the 90s, an implant rupture and leakage become holders. Women of all backgrounds were accusing her breast implants leak silicone as the main catalyst for their health problems. These women had finally lawsuits against manufacturers of silicone implants that ultimately led companies to declare bankruptcy and close their doors. Extreme controversy has prompted the FDA to ban the use of silicone gel implants indefinitely devices. It took the FDA 14 years of clinical research before finally approved silicone device for use without restrictions again in the states of the United States.

Most people think that the liquid silicone controversy began in the 90s. In fact, the controversy began in the 60s, almost as soon as the implant is made available to breast augmentation procedures. As a direct result of the controversy surrounding liquid silicone gel, the device saline implant was invented as a safe alternative for women seeking breast enhancement with breast augmentation.

Despite the obvious safety problems associated with silicone filler in recent years silicone implant has been widely promoted by American women. Favoritism lasted until 1992, when the FDA banned the use of implants the U.S. For for the next fourteen years, the device saline implant has an unexpected monopoly within the industry.

As you can imagine, manufacturers of saline implants enjoyed windfall profits, while other manufacturers of silicone gel implants had to meet various design applications by the FDA. FDA ban ended in n / a The FDA has given its stamp of approval for the use of implants, the saline device is in disgrace. American women seem to greatly facilitate device silicone gel implants saline into the device.

The difference between the two devices is their filling implant. The device uses a saltwater brine is very similar to human body fluids. The device uses a silicone liquid silicone gel. Both devices will drain your body must fill in their outer shell is broken. While the liquid silicone is known to be a catalyst for many ailments negative saline is virtually harmless to the human body.

When saline implants rupture, they deflate quickly. Complete deflation occurs usually within 48 hours. The advantage of this is that it allows the detection of visible implant rupture. The saline that leaks into the body of the implant will be absorbed into the bloodstream and possibly purged from the body via the urine. A saline implant is really the safest currently available implant when it is the rupture and leakage of the implant.

Breaking device siliconeBy slowly deflated. The speed at which the silicone is leaking into the body is barely noticeable and can take several years before enough leak occurred visibly deflate the implant and allow visible detection. The low leakage makes it very difficult for anyone to detect a perforated silicone implant - Board certified plastic surgeons cannot even detect a ruptured silicone implant. The solution is a woman with silicone devices have an MRI every two years to help detect leaks and ruptures. Recommendation MRI was established by the FDA.

To read about the negative health effects associated with silicone gel implants, you can see an FDA study in the late 90s. The report summarizes a research study on women with silicone devices for a period of at least 10 years. The information contained in the report are quite surprising. One of the most disturbing pieces of information discovered during the study was that 60% of silicone implants had ruptured before its 10th anniversary and has been slowly leaking silicone gel into the body of the woman. It should be noted that silicon devices have experienced significant improvements in design since the report was completed and new models are much less prone to breakage. The report is free to view and download. It lies on the FDA website.

There is a new type of implant that could cause implant rupture and leakage problems of the past. New cohesive gel implants used solid state silicone filler. The filling cannot leak fluid, as it contains no liquid. The first data collected elsewhere in cohesive gel implants are very promising. However, the FDA has not concluded its clinical research on new medical device, and it may take many years before the implant is commercially available in the majors.

If you are considering breast augmentation surgery, it is important that you understand that the health risks associated with the procedure itself and long-term risks to health associated with breast implant devices have inside your body. To purchase the latest and updated information on breast implants will have to schedule an initial consultation with a licensed, practicing plastic surgeon.